Friday, September 4, 2020
Improvement for Students Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Improvement for Students - Assignment Example Current practices in colleges for classes are that they welcome visitor speakers and they convey quickly about the point. Colleges can improve the example of directing courses as workshops are productive in giving information on the real corporate world which is very surprising from the understudy life (Education framework 'needs earnest improvement'_(News) Article from Cape Times (South Africa) HighBeam Research). Regularly, visitor speakers in the classes are at the main post in the main organizations. An intelligent meeting of class can improve the standard of workshops which can likewise help understudies when they enter proficient lives. Intuitiveness in workshops can be made by conveying what speaker knows as well as by giving them genuine models and circumstances to think the proper behavior on those. Realistic books are somewhat funny books which have text dependent on the likings of adolescents and youths (Graphic Novels). Such books can likewise be considered as writing as they have stories like the books however are introduced in an alternate composing style. These books are considered as writing as it comprise text identified with writing as it has the composed structure and has its own significance.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Visual Kei free essay sample
Visual Kei One of the most extreme and intriguing of music scenes, Visual Kei, all the more regularly depicted as Japanese stun rock, is a developing interest in any event, for individuals who dont like Japanese music. With the rising ubiquity of groups like Dir En Gray and DespairsRay, who will play on this years Taste Of Chaos visit, it won't be long until it turns into a famous sort. What makes Visual Kei unique in relation to ordinary J-rock is the garments. Dissimilar to its melodic partner Oshare Kei, which depends on charm, Visual Kei has a darker look to it. Dark, calfskin, and goth-lolita style garments are extremely well known. I initially got into the scene a year ago when I was still into metal. I was watching Headbangers Ball and they put on Dir En Grays video for Saku(bloom). Kyous very contorted look and the total dismalness of the video creeped me out, which completely got my advantage. We will compose a custom article test on Visual Kei or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I didnt truly tune in to much Dir En Gray from that point onward, I was increasingly keen on J-fly at that point. Be that as it may, I got tore once more into this year, getting irritated with tuning in to similar groups over once more, I went looking for new ones. What's more, that is the thing that I found. The music is astonishing and the look is insane. I think most about the groups objective is to leave an impact on individuals and they surely have achieved that.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Trade in ââ¬ÅThings Fall apartââ¬Â Essay Essays
Exchange ââ¬Å"Things Fall apartâ⬠Essay Essays Exchange ââ¬Å"Things Fall apartâ⬠Essay Paper Exchange ââ¬Å"Things Fall apartâ⬠Essay Paper Exposition Topic: Things Fall separated In the new ââ¬Å"Things pre-winter apartâ⬠by Chinua Achebe grown-up females are considred as a low in the public eye. since as expressed in the book. Okonkwo abhorred his male parent in light of his being fragile. frail and shameful. Those work powers who have no rubric are called agbala or ââ¬Å"womanâ⬠. ( Achebe 143 ) Work powers are the huntsmans and husbandmans of the modest community. since they have the solidarity to work. Since grown-up females where feeble and fragile they remain at their places and commercial centers. Womans in the humble community play an of import work in the market and in the network. It is affirmed that grown-up females have places like chief. this spot is non authoritative. be that as it may, for of import works in the market and the network. Ladies turned into the merchandisers of the modest community. since work powers will in general be out runing. horticulture and making their occupation as managerial functionaries of the unassuming community. keeping up statute and request in the modest community. The main gathers in Ibo were veggies and sweet potatoes. Exchange with other humble communities was finished by the utilization of cowry shells. these little shells were utilized as a signifier of cash. Be that as it may, during the mature ages from 1880 to 1960 Europians began to colonize Africa. Exchange these humble communities where gravely influenced. Europians constrained Africans to pay income upgrade ; these income improvements can other than be paid by pay work. The Europians other than set up estates and mines and other working confirmations for Africans to work. The Europians boss purpose is to deliver cash for them. Some Europians acknowledge income upgrade in signifier of stocks. like woven textures made of cotton. Others bring grain as signifier of income improvement. The Europians other than constrained Africans to work without installment. Streets and dragoon where physical make-up by the utilization of corvee work. Corvee work will be work without installment. They were other than compelled to move overwhelming tonss of products by transport provincial chiefs Africans endured a bunch during the frontier time frame. Be that as it may, since around 1960 Africans began to determine independency and were strugling to recuperate exchange. since the estimation of boss stocks that they produce declined known to mankind advertise. Notices: Achebe. Chinua ââ¬Å"Things fall apartâ⬠ground tackle books. 1958 Chun. June ââ¬Å"The Role of Women in Things Fall Apartâ⬠June 12 2007 From: hypertext move convention:/www. bookmans. nus. edu. sg/post/nigeria/ladies. hypertext markup language Uzoma Onyemaechi ââ¬Å"Igbo Political Systemsâ⬠June 12 2007 From: hypertext move convention:/www. umunna. organization/politicalsystems. htm I read the book Things pre-winter separated during my HUM 1 class. so I have a foundation on the novel. I put together my paper with respect to the book and other online beginnings that give data on the exchange. human progress and history of Africans. I other than utilized the connections you have given me. That is the means by which I concocted this paper.
Dramatic irony Essay Example for Free
Emotional incongruity Essay The Inspector makes Mrs Birling develop what ought to be done to the kid and Mrs Birling not understanding what has occurred by connecting together the parts continues, the Inspector asks, So hes the central offender at any rate? also, Mrs Birling answers, Certainly. What's more, he should be managed seriously . It is currently, if the crowd hadnt as of now worked it out from when Mrs Birling about the dad being a smashed, her acknowledging from others Erics an alcoholic, and the Inspector needing Eric to remain so he could see him later, that we understand from Sheilas emotional Mother-stop-stop! Erics the dad. It is such a sensational second, there is anticipation and strain; it stuns the crowd but Mr and Mrs Birling still dont see Eric as the dad and advise Sheila to hush up. Mrs Birling doesnt stop, shes effectively spoken about how the dad ought to be made a case of and she on fundamentally saying what ought to be done to her child, ensure hes constrained to admit in open his obligation. The Inspector also affirms what she has said inquires as to whether she is certain that that ought to occur, she concurs, it is then she understands, the penny drops, its Eric. Shes stunned. Mrs Birling has, as it were, told the Inspector that her child is dependable, ought to be caused a to of and admit out in the open without knowing it. She has sentenced her own child. This is emotional incongruity as we, the crowd have acknowledged it was Eric and shes continued condemning him. She has matters more awful, which she will in the end lament. This is such an emotional piece of the play, she has sentenced her own child to the fault and furthermore without acknowledging executed her own grandkid I dont trust it. I wont trust it.- She will trust it. The following emotional second is shorter long yet at the same time or considerably increasingly, sensational. This is the second toward the end when the Inspector has left and everybody is left addressing what has happened.Ã After the Inspector has left the family begin accusing each other for the young ladies passing. It is after this that Sheila, most importantly and afterward the others question the Inspectors presence Its eccentric extremely strange . When Sheila says this Mrs Birling appears to comprehend what Sheilas thinking I recognize what your going to state. Since Ive been pondering myself, to which Sheila answers, It doesnt matter currently, obviously yet would he say he was actually a police monitor? Sheila and Eric dont think it makes a difference yet Mr and Mrs Birling unmistakably figure it does, Well, on the off chance that he wasnt, it is important a demon of a great deal. Unmistakably the more youthful age, Sheila and Eric, have totally different perspectives structure that of their folks. Sheila and Eric don't feel that it is important if the Inspector wasnt a police examiner, its what they have all done that is the significant part, theyve murdered a lady, He was our Inspector okay.- Eric. Gerald then returns and reveals to them that he has discovered that the Inspector was not a genuine police auditor. In spite of the fact that they had their questions this riddles everybody. Gerald then has thought that all that had happened wasnt to a similar young lady. To affirm his contemplations he rings up the clinic and inquires as to whether there is any individual who has ended it all by drinking disinfectant. There is no young lady. Everybody separated from Sheila and Eric are calmed and act if nothing has occurred, Sheila and Eric question the manner in which they carried on however Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald dont care. Exactly when they are attempting to overlook, the telephone rings. The dramatization begins when Gerald rings the Infirmary. There is a strained sit tight for us to know whether there is a young lady, to which this happened to, or if the things Mr and Mrs Birling, Sheila, Gerald and Eric did was all to one young lady. The characters activities add to the strain we support, for instance Birling cleaning his temple, Sheila shuddering and Eric fastening and un-catching his hands, demonstrating their nerves. No young lady has kicked the bucket in there today. Nobodys been acquired in the wake of drinking disinfectant. They havent had a self destruction for a considerable length of time. We are calmed into trusting it is finished; that the tension has finished and there is nothing more to occur. Mr and Mrs Birding and Gerald are diminished however it is just Sheila and Eric that keep in thought what they have done and entirely think about what has occurred, Sheila But youre overlooking one thing I despite everything cannot overlook. All that we said had happened truly had occurred. In the event that it didnt end sadly, at that point that is fortunate for us. In any case, it may have done. This fair shows the distinction of the natures of the characters. Sheila shows herself as being concerned and genuinely upset for what she has done, just as Eric. In any case, Gerald, Mr Birling and Mrs Birling show the absolutely inverse view on what has occurred, they seem to be narrow minded, savage and self-important individuals from the manner in which they act. A case of this is when Mr Birling says, The entire story was a ton of moonshine. Only a detailed sell! Sheila says how appalled she is with their conduct, Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald carrying on not mindful. Gerald attempts to get Sheila once again into thinking about the wedding Everything good now Sheila. Shouldn't something be said about the ring. This is a prime case of Geralds demeanor towards what has occurred. Sheila-No, not yet. Its too early. I should think. Mr Birling at that point says something extremely amusing. After such he and his significant other, the more established age, have done and the manner in which they have acted towards this circumstance (awfully), he turns round and remarks on the more youthful age, who are unmistakably increasingly reasonable, mindful and inside and out better, and says Now take a gander at the pair of them-the popular more youthful age who know everything. What's more, cannot take a joke. This is because of Sheila saying no to Gerald, it is amusing. It is since it occurs, the most emotional piece of the play. The Phone rings. It rings pointedly, quickly we think the most noticeably awful, right? Has a young lady been found in a similar circumstance as Eva Smith? The activities of the characters, their snapshot of complete quiet is tense. Mr B. picks up the telephone; he talks gradually hauling the second on. His activities are moderate heightening; he gradually puts down the telephone. He glances in a hysterical manner at the others. The crowd recognizes what is going to come yet are as yet hanging tight for it to be affirmed. Mr Birling affirms our contemplations; a police examiner is on his way as a young lady has only kicked the bucket subsequent to gulping some disinfectant. This consummation is extremely, amazing. It changes the idea of the play as it turns into a puzzle who was the overseer? It gets recurrent and in this way otherworldly what number of more occasions will it occur? Will it start again when the assessor arrives?Ã An Inspector Calls with its sensational minutes is an incredible play. It has skilful peaks and superb turns to the plot. It is a truly charming play that consistently keeps you tense.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Value Chain And Supply Chain Analysis Commerce Essay
Worth Chain And Supply Chain Analysis Commerce Essay The meaning of significant worth chain investigation incorporates assessment of business exercises which impacts the companys serious quality. Conveying an item on time is the consequence of different business forms working consummately to make a Value Chain that drives a firm more noteworthy benefit over expenses (Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, 2007). There are two principle esteem chain exercises in the associations. The first is essential exercises which could straightforwardly include an incentive for the last items, for example, promoting and deals, tasks, administration and so forth. The subsequent one is bolster exercises which could bolster the powerful of essential exercises, for instance, the framework, Human Resources Management, innovation and so on. (Campbell, 2002) All these divisions cooperate to create the companys benefit. In the race for worldwide control, the parts of this worth chain must be optimizedâ on an overall scale, at all degrees of the company Global Headquarte rs, Regional Headquarters, and nation level, just as inside the basic item portfolios, areas, and nations that the organizations work in. (Johnson, 2008) 2.1.1 The Value-Chain exercises for the business and FedEx Corporation Transportation is probably the biggest business on the planet, and its division run is wide which incorporate taxicabs, truck, train, ships, scows, planes, pipelines, distribution center and coordinations administration. For the business, the three fundamental patterns were globalization of business, data innovation improvement and new innovation to help process productive, and the market interest for more worth included. Henceforth, the organizations in transportation and coordinations industry rely upon the worldwide system of circulation focuses to increase speedy installment cycle and less expensive assets. In FedEx Corporation, as a pioneer firm in the business, its brought together structures have constantly required, and encouraged billion dollar interests in IT and set up the site from 1994. It gave an effective innovation to the FedEx Corporation as a pioneer in the entire business for e-business. This technique turned into a preferred position that they used to sabotage the ir rivals qualities and confined client support. With a comprehensively associated IT arrange, FedEx had the option to use their IT favorable position to support their corporate records on a worldwide premise, as opposed to on a nation by nation premise. With the best HR framework in the business, FedEx likewise has had a functioning key acquisition enhancement activity that has been embraced by the remainder of the business, creating reserve funds more than a large number of dollars, directly to the reality. The most significant piece of the worth chain is found in the senior administration of these organizations. FedEx has had steady, solid groups running the basic segments of the worth chain and the related divisions. (, 2009) For additional help exercises of framework, in the early years, most organizations created on purchasing space on business aircrafts or getting their shipment to the outsiders. Nonetheless, FedEx accentuate on making its own armada, the procedure could viably lessen the expense of business process, increment the trustworthiness and speed of conveyance and improve the length of request cycle. Moreover, for explaining the transportation volume development delayed down, the FedEx Corporation revamped in the time of 2000, its five auxiliary organizations could work freely however contend all in all in the business. 2.1.2 The center exercises for the business and FedEx Corporation Worldwide Transportation and Logistics Industry as the administration business, its center movement of significant worth chain ought to be the administration. The organizations ought to contend on client division, valuing and nature of administration. In the business, USP was the biggest organization for transportation. Most organizations ought to underscore on diminishing the cost, very much oversaw coordinations activity could successful lessen the length of request cycle and soothe the pressure of income. FedEx Corporation was acquainted as government Express with the early commercial center. Around then, the organization battled to another coordinations strategy, which was for the time being conveyance. It succeeded and all around done what's necessary for their rivals in the market and bring all the more intriguing to the coordinations showcase. The most fascinating thing is that FedEx gives quick conveyance administrations which has been named as FedEx Ground. This administrati on gives the conveyance day in 2-3 days and inside a more affordable expense to each shipper. On the opposite side, FedExs esteem chain is inserting into Ground, Cargo and different divisions. From the start time when organization discussing FedEx ground, the companys president and CEO (Frederick, 2008) demonstrated that the choice to part Ground separated was to Broaden and develop FedExs product offering, so as to exploit client center, and the size of the market. In the bundle business of FedEx Ground, it incorporates low worth items which dont should be at definite goal due to the short bundle time of FedEx Express. Smith (2006) reported the model is taken from 3M Company, which has 250 separate working organizations, every one of which is centered around a particular market portion. Agreeing the figure 1, FedEx had explicit destinations and techniques in each Value-chain exercises. Figure 2 FedEx esteem chain exercises (Source: 2.2 Supply Chain Management Analysis Gracefully Chain Management is the screen and the board of materials, data, and accounts, as those components move in a procedure from provider to maker to distributer to retailer to customer (, 2007). For running the full scope of items and administrations, organizations depend on SCM practical methods and procedures to move products. For example FedEx guarantee the quick conveyance inside the more affordable expense. FedEx is in the matter of giving organizations the capacity to deal with their gracefully chains. In the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, the phase of gracefully chain ought to be from provider, inbound, fabricating, request the executives to the outbound. For the entire procedure, the organizations should have successful administration on stock administration, stockroom the executives, the buying procedure, the item circulation, transportation and the client support. (Lynch, 2006) In FedEx Corporation, it has propelled the board framework in each procedure. The figure 2 shows that the distinctive administration framework usage in FedExs flexibly chain the board. For example, the Customer Oriented Service and Management Operating System is one of one of a kind framework in FedEx Corporation which could incorporate the data of products delivering and the data about the method of transportation. Also, the Global Resources for Information Distribution which propelled in 1998 could improve the quality and amount of their conveyance. Besides, its Global Inventory Visibili ty System, Inventory Management System, Transportation Management System Enterprise Resources Planning, Customer Clearance System are for the most part powerful supporting for each progression in the flexibly chain the board. Figure 2, FedEx arrangement in the flexibly chain process. (Source: Case investigation of FedEx) In single word, FedEx Corporation could generally get the interest and changing needs rapidly and viably in the business, their pioneer systems in esteem chain exercises and flexibly chain the executives could splendidly bolster the organization to accomplish its fundamental belief and take the authority position in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry. 3. Mergers and Acquisitions in Global Transportation and Logistics Industry and FedEx Corporation Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) alludes to the part of corporate system, corporate money and the board managing the purchasing, selling and consolidating of various organizations that can help, fund, or help a developing organization in a given industry develop quickly without making another business element. (Lynch, 2006) A merger make the investors of the associations meet up to share the assets for amplifying the association and the all the old investors in the merger will turn into the investors in the new association. (Campbell, 2002) But the securing is one association purchasing and subsuming the inconsistent accomplices. The offers in the littler organization will be purchased by the enormous one. (Ansoff, 1988) With the improvement of human culture, monetary globalization is progressively certain that MA between organizations has become a typical thing, however an arrangement isn't as straightforward as composing the word and its implication of a long ways past the shallow sig nificance, and in this manner a right comprehension of mergers and acquisitions are especially significant. 3.1 The MA in the business and assessment Obviously, it has the two advantages and impediments for MA in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry. From the perspective on focal points, right off the bat, the MA could build the piece of the overall industry in the entire business. For example the DHL procured Airborne Express to expand its piece of the pie in ground conveyance advertise. (Lyne, 2003) Secondly, it could lessen the opposition in the market. Thirdly, it could increase particular access for the circulation channels. For example, FedEx obtained the UK express organization called ANC for improve the appropriation directs in the UK. (Business Wire, 2006) Moreover, MA may enable the organization to build up the new items or endeavor item extends for looking through more open doors in the market of Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, this strategy will be a lot speedier than the association to dispatch it from the earliest starting point step. In addition, the MA could assist the organization with ga ining new creation and data innovation for diminishing the expense, improve the quality and separation of their items. For instance, FedEx obtained Caliber Systems in 1998. Also, the organization could entre in another market by MA. For occurrences, Ama
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Lets Grow 4 Steps for Successful Employee Development
Letâs Grow 4 Steps for Successful Employee Development In terms of People Management, we have quite a big challenge ahead of us at MeisterLabs. For starters, we have the ambitious aim of growing our workforce from 30 to 50 employees within the next four months. Plus, were not just looking to grow in terms of team size. Were also looking to grow and develop each team member individually. In this article, Iâll take you through the four main employee development aims of our employee talks here at MeisterLabs, based on the theories of Morgan W. McCallâs book, High Flyers: Encouraging employees to get to know themselves better, including their strengths and weaknesses Finding alignment between the qualities of team members and our company strategy Developing opportunities for growth and professional development Ensuring that outcomes are communicated company-wide and follow-ups take place. Iâll refer to âPeople Managementâ throughout, where others might use âHuman Resources Managementâ. However, with our focus on employee development, the term People Management seems more appropriate for our approach at MeisterLabs. 1. Encourage Your Employees to Get to Know Themselves Better Your company can only get as far as your workforce, and your workforce can only get as far as you support your team members to develop. Employee talks are central to this workforce development, as they include reflection and feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Spanning further than technical skills, the talks also cover feedback on interpersonal issues. For MeisterLabs, a team memberâs ability to efficiently cooperate is just as important from a company-perspective. As a result, during our employee talks, we evaluate technical and interpersonal competencies, as well as leadership competencies where applicable, based on scales and additional comments an approach suggested by Nagler Löffler in their book Strategisches Talentmanagement. In order to do this, we provide all team members and team leads with an assessment form, a section of which looks like so: The form lists a number of attributes, varying from âquality of outputâ to âthe ability to manage deadlines and projectsâ. We then choose to combine employee self-reflection with managerial assessment, by asking team members to first self-assess, confidentially rating themselves on a scale of 1 to 5 for each attribute. This assessment is then accompanied by an assessment by their direct manager, as we ask team leads to rate each of their team members, using the same list of attributes. The outcome of these assessments Fortunately, we found that how we think critically about ourselves and reflect on our own potential for improvement is likely to underline the points made by the direct managers. We also established a few key areas for both employee improvement and employee strengths. Following the talks, areas that required improvement included: For some employees to be more open to feedback in the future For certain team members to show clearer leadership as team managers For some team members to be more succinct during meetings and presentations. As a result, we can now work to provide opportunities for training in these areas, in collaboration with the relevant team members. There were also many clear strengths that came out of the talks, which we, as an organization, can build upon, including: The constant curiosity of our employees and their interest in questioning and improving our development processes A team members deep knowledge of Marketing practices and leadership potential A tech leadâs ability to coach developers in a way that helps them excel every day. Just before the talks, we also held our first Employees of the Year award, to highlight the strengths and work of three team members in particular. 2. Find Alignment Between Employee Skills and Company Strategy Before thinking about where employees should progress to within the company, itâs important to first establish what the company needs. This involves clarifying the following questions: Where is the company going and what is the strategy? Which challenges come with that strategy? And which experiences do our current employees need this time next year, in order to be able to cope with challenging times? Not only is it important for retaining talented team members to share the company strategy regularly, itâs also crucial to develop your employees accordingly. As a result, our employee talks provide an opportunity to propose these potential areas of growth to our team members, to show how we could see their roles developing, in line with overall company direction. 3. Develop Opportunities for Growth â" Together For our positions in software development, weâve aimed to develop career pathways for each of our employees. Within MeisterLabs, our developers can grow from Junior Developer to Intermediate Developer, to Senior Developer. As a Senior Developer, you either function as an expert working individually on big features or you can proceed down the leadership path. These roles come with specific skills and responsibilities and we use our employee talks to share these potential pathways with team members, explaining how we see them progressing. In other departments, employees have much more diverse skill sets and tasks, which is why we put more focus on goal development and measurement. Coming back to the theories of Morgan W. McCall, he argues that in order to shape desired behavior, managers should set goals, measure them and hold their employees accountable. In growing companies, goals can often be aligned with employeesâ skills and interests. However, itâs also important that youâre supporting team members to work on their weaknesses, through training programmes and professional development opportunities. Research shows that professional development is usually divided into three parts: learning on the job, internal resources, and external education events. 1. 70% of professional development happens on the job. However, this will often require managers to become coaches to their employees. Managers need to encourage team members to complete tasks slightly outside of their comfort zone, as well as allowing them to fail. In our employee talk sheets, after defining goals and measurements (e.g. being clearer about key points in meetings, to provide a better understanding to all participants), we would discuss concrete steps to reach that goal (for example, opportunities to practise public speaking). 2. For the next 20% of professional development, we have internal resources at hand. Not only do we hire bright minds to work independently on projects, but we also look to hire people based on their ability to help and teach one another. As a result, weâve developed a table of mentors and mentees based on coaching abilities and discussions during the employee talks. Mentors can be simply approached by mentees when they encounter a problem on the job, or teams can schedule bigger tutorials for a couple of interested people. This is how we spread knowledge about programming languages, project management, inclusive leadership and business English, amongst other skills and attributes. 3. The final 10% of employee development happens at formal educational events, such as the Reactive Conf or the Railsconf two conferences that a number of our developers will be attending, as well as other opportunities for external training. In short: Besides the evaluation of technical and interpersonal skills, weve developed a plan together with team members that enables our employees to reach their goals within a year, including via in-house and external support. 4. Make the Outcomes Official The week of employee talks was a marathon. However, we were really pleased with the outcomes, which include: Each employee receiving access to their own employee talk sheet that communicates their evaluation and goals, measurements, concrete steps and learning support. To communicate our decisions company-wide, we developed an Org Chart using MindMeister. During a company-wide meeting, we explained the main goals of each employee and officially announced a new layer of middle management. Weâre not the only start-up that seeks to stay agile while still seeing the value in clear management roles⦠Finally, we published a table that connects mentors with mentees, for team members seeking in-house training and support. So whatâs next for People Management at MeisterLabs? Follow-ups will take place every three months to support our employees on their way. Having heard from one of our Tech Leads and our Product Manager that people seem to have gained motivation following the employee talks, I believe that People Management at MeisterLabs is already on the right track⦠Staying Agile5 Best Practices in Software Project Management Download The Free White Paper
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Delivering a Perfect Opinion Essay
October 20, 2018 Writing an opinion essays starts with thinking. In order to formulate your opinion on the matter, you need to study different sources, look at the issue from each side, and eventually determine whatââ¬â¢s your opinion and how youââ¬â¢re going to defend it. Then comes the stage of choosing the structure for your opinion essay, and most students and teachers agree that a traditional five-part essay structure works best for this purpose. The rest of your work on the opinion essay should consist of three stages: pre-writing, writing, and proofreading. Pre-writing The pre-writing stage of the opinion essay writing process sets the tone for the rest of your work. At this stage you need to find compelling arguments that support your opinion on the subject stated in the topic of your essay. The evidence you find in the form of various sources should support your point of view. A good idea for making this stage of the writing process as effective as possible is to ask yourself the following questions: What do I want my audience to know about the matter? What is the question I need to answer in my essay? What are the most important points my essay needs to convey? Are there any inconsistent or contradictory points in my arguments? Can I do anything to improve my arguments? While youââ¬â¢re doing the pre-writing stage of working on your essay, make sure to still write down your ideas. Once youââ¬â¢re ready to move to writing, you can simply arrange these ideas in the order you want them to be featured in your essay they will serve as a backbone of your work. Writing A typical opinion essay has three parts: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Introduction Think of the introduction part of your opinion essay as a way to get the reader, who doesnââ¬â¢t know anything about the matter. To do this, you need to present the subject behind the essay and clearly state your opinion on the matter. Your essay introduction should also include a thesis statement, and it should be clearly visible for every reader. There are some techniques you can use to make your introduction more compelling to the reader, for example: Include a quotation from a reputable source; Ask a rhetorical question; Address your audience directly. Body paragraphs The body of your essay is used to further expand on the thesis statement from your introduction by listing and describing your arguments. Typically, opinion essays has three arguments, and the number of paragraphs should match the number of arguments. When your paragraph is running too long, you may think itââ¬â¢s time to start a new one, but itââ¬â¢s actually a common mistake you should only start a new paragraph when youââ¬â¢re ready to move on to a new argument. In this part, your logic and persuasive abilities are as important as proper writing. When working on your opinion essay, keep an eye on the following aspects: Linking words demonstrate your logical flow of thoughts and your ability to seamlessly link two different ideas within one body of text. The vocabulary youââ¬â¢re using in your writing needs to be very formal: an opinion essay is no place for idioms, colloquial language, and phrasal verbs. The punctuation in your opinion essay also needs to be formal: itââ¬â¢s better to avoid using contractions, exclamation marks, and parentheses. With just a few exceptions, the only tense you should be using in your writing is present tense. All sources you mention in your opinion essay should be properly cited according to the formatting style youââ¬â¢re using. Conclusion The conclusion of an opinion essay is usually one paragraph long. Use this part of your work to restate your opinion and briefly summarize your arguments and how they support the thesis statement. This section of the essay shouldnââ¬â¢t contain any new ideas, but you can offer the readers some food for thought: for example, by asking a question or throwing in a controversial sentence that will serve as the base for further discussion. Proofreading When youââ¬â¢re done writing and feel like there is nothing you can add to your work, itââ¬â¢s time to proofread your opinion essay. Pay attention to three aspects of the writing: Grammar the tense used in your essay should be the same throughout the whole work. Spelling make sure all words in your essay are spelled and capitalized correctly. Vocabulary check your text to see if it doesnââ¬â¢t contain any slang or other inappropriate language and if proper linking words and phrases are used. Only when youââ¬â¢ve proofread your work and believe itââ¬â¢s an excellent piece of writing, you can expect your opinion essay to get the highest of the possible grade.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Women During The 20th Century - 1548 Words
Women are a large part of our society. They always have been. Without women none of us would be here right now. In the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries women did not really get to work much. A woman s job was typically to have and take care of the children. Mother was the main title that a woman could have. Then WWI started, and all of the men went off to fight in the war. With all of the men off fighting, there was no one left to to work in the factories. All of the wives and mothers, and women left at home took over the jobs in the factories. Women working in the factories was almost unheard of before this time. Of course once the war ended and all of the men came back, they took the jobs again. By the end of WWII, all of the women were out of a job again, but they had now know what working was like. This was not in every country, most countries did not lose enough men to the army and could still work with the ones they had. The most important countries that let the women into their workforce was Britain and Germany. The countries that did lose their men to the war and needed the women in the factories prospered. European countries that allowed women to enter the workforce enjoyed both short term and long term benefits. They experienced some short term benefits like a surge of productivity in their military. Those countries also experience some much needed long term benefits, like a huge step forward for womenââ¬â¢s rights and labor laws. Before the war started,Show MoreRelatedWomen During The 20th Century1840 Words à |à 8 PagesThe government and ladinos had certain designs upon the market place and who ought to control it, and Mayan women fought them on it on a daily basis in order to protect their own interests and survival. As such, the state and its apparatuses created ways to police women who had very strong presence in public, included in that categories were midwives, market vendors, and sex workers, all targets of liberal narratives surrounding social control and national development. Thus, the market place becameRead MoreThe Objectification Of Women During The 20th Century1382 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe depiction of women. The Objectification of women did not start with photography, but it certainly did not end with photography either. The progression of objectification was only blossoming in the 19th-20th century. At that time, most acknowledged photographers were men. Men were expected to live a public life, whether it was working in a factory or socializing with ââ¬Ëlikemindedââ¬â¢ men in public places, like parties or out and about taking photographs. On the other hand, women were usually expectedRead MoreWomen And Gender During 20th Century America3566 Words à |à 15 Pages Name: Title: Institution: Women and gender In 20th Century America Abstract Paid work for women moved from principally customary female-situated employments to all the more non-conventional and already male-arranged vocations. Ladies support in the workforce prompted them to start careers in the field dominated by male in the 20th century. Career yearnings were affected by elements, such as sexual orientation, financial status, race, occupation and instruction level, and parental desires. ThisRead MoreEssay on Women and Society During the Early 20th Century1688 Words à |à 7 Pages Women and Society during the early 20th Century Women always had to deal with all kinds of situations throughout history. Sex was becoming to be a womanââ¬â¢s way of expressing herself and in a way have control over certain situation Edith Whartonââ¬â¢s quot;Summerquot; and John Steinbeckââ¬â¢ s quot;The Chrysanthemumsquot; show two characters (both of them women) struggling between societyââ¬Ës rules and laws and their own believes and desires. Both stories were written in the beginning of the 20th centuryRead MoreWomen s Rights During The 20th Century1302 Words à |à 6 Pagesmovements to fight for women s equalities happened in the 20th century. People like Betty Friedan, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony helped to make it possible. In the 20th century there were two waves of feminism and third started in the 80ââ¬â¢s but still continues today. I talk about the first and second wave in this essay. Then how these waves have changed the role of women in society. One of the first things to change the role of women in society was the right to vote. Women were seen as anRead MoreWomen s Rights Movement During The 20th Century2104 Words à |à 9 PagesDuring the 20th century, the womenââ¬â¢s rights movement changed the role of women in society for the better, causing a change in the traditional gender roles that culture dictated before the turn of the century. Women won the right to vote in 1919, which was a major turning point in the respect of women as equal members of society as compared to men. In addition to this newfound right, women also took steps to become part of the work force rather than stay home and raise the children like traditionalRead MoreThe Role Of Women During History Throughout The 20th Century1825 Words à |à 8 PagesThe role of women in history has changed dramatically over time, especially in the past century. Most of the time, she is presented as a victim of society, helpless and hopeless. Blamed and accused of being the root of all the problems. She is often sidelined because of being a confused being, not knowing what she wants and at the same time, she is the center of attention and the subject of manââ¬â¢s fantasy (the male gaze). History is full of evidence and stories of violence against women, who are subjectRead MoreWomen in the Middle East During the Late 19th and Early 20th Century905 Words à |à 4 PagesWomen in the Middle East During the Late 19th and Early 20th Century As a result of Western imperialism circa 1900, throughout the Middle East things began to change. European writers and tourists flooded into Middle Eastern countries and developed a very exoticized view of the men and particularly women who lived there. Ultimately the general consensus was that Middle Eastern women were oppressed by Middle Eastern men. Through the Western lens this perceived oppression was indicative of the ââ¬Å"uncivilizedâ⬠Read MoreTraveling Around the Fashion Trends of Women: 20th - 21st Century1428 Words à |à 6 Pagestrend. In the early 20th century, women had a conservative figure to concentrate on their body figure. A new style was born in the roaring 20ââ¬â¢s, was brought the beginning of modern fashion. The roaring 20ââ¬â¢s was known for the flapper skirts, gathered skirts, pleated skirts, higher hemlines, and low-cut necklines. The era of the Great Depression became known for its sophisticated Garbo look, where nylon stockings became trendy. World War II is the start of the pants revolution of women. ââ¬Å"The 1950ââ¬â¢s wereRead MoreHuman Progress in the Twentieth Century Despite Two World Wars953 Words à |à 4 Pages The world in the 20th century went through the destruction of World War I and World War II and the hazard of a nuclear war in the course of the Cold War and coped to revolutionize themselves with essential developments within their societies. The world, as a whole, has advanced more than it has suffered during the turbulent 20th century because of the advancements of innovations and human right, despite the demolition of the two World Wars. The 20th century inflicted the greatest suffering to the
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Dental Management Of Diabetes Essay - 1125 Words
Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) is not a single disease entity; rather, it is a group of metabolic diseases characterised by hyperglycaemia (elevated blood sugar level) affecting the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, resulting from the inability of the body to secrete and/or use insulin (Al-Maskari, Al-Maskari, Al-Sudairy, 2011; American Diabetes Association, 2005; James W Little, Donald A Falace, Craig S Miller, Nelson L Rhodus, 2013a; World Health Organisation, 2016). Patients with type-1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) requires insulin for survival as cell-mediated destruction of à ² cells of pancreatic isles of Langerhans eventually leads to a lack of insulin secretion (ADA, 2005; Little et al., 2013; WHO, 2016) . Conversely, type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients have insulin resistance (ADA, 2005) wherein their bodies cannot use the little insulin that it produce (WHO, 2016). This case study will discuss only the dental management of T1DM. In New Zealand, regardless of ethnicity or socio-economic status, T1DM is the most common form of diabetes in children and adolescents (Jefferies, Owens, Wiltshire, 2015) Additionally, New Zealand reflects the rate of increase of incidence of T1DM worldwide which is three to 3-5% annually (Jefferies et al., 2015). This is an important health issue because it affects the expected lifespan of the person afflicted (WHO, 2016) mainly due to cardiovascular disease and other complication of diabetes (J. W. Little etShow MoreRelatedBeing A Dental Hygienist Is Not The Career1698 Words à |à 7 PagesBeing a dental hygienist was not the career I grew up believing I would pursue. At a young age, up to my Junior year in high school, I had my goals set on being a veterinarian. Going into high school I widened that plan into any job dealing with animal science. However, taking classes like zoology, botany, equine science, veterinary technology and advanced animal science, made me realize that I would not have as much direct contact or personal connections with the animals as I had hoped. HoweverRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : The Leading Chronic Disease1102 Words à |à 5 PagesDiabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading chronic diseases that can cause high rates of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by hyperglycemia due to a lack of insulin, insulin resistance, or both. The four main types of diabetes mellitus include type 1 diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes mellitus, and other specific types (Darby, 2015, 824). A high rate of periodontal disease has been reported with type 1 and 2 diabetesRead MoreDental Cost Essay761 Words à |à 4 PagesTopic: The Canadian government should cover dental costs Thesis Statement: Dental care costs should be covered under the umbrella of Canadaââ¬â¢s publicly funded health care system because oral health is linked to our overall health, the current insurance scheme widens the gap between the rich and poor, and the dire need for universal dental coverage is rather a major social and health care issue that has to be acted upon by the Canadian government for the Canadians. 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This exposes the roots of teeth to the different types of bacteria that cause plaque and tooth decay. To be sure, seniors with poor health are no exception to dental caries and are often the most affectedRead MoreThe Role Of Periodontitis As A Risk Factor For Systemic Diseases1397 Words à |à 6 Pagesof periodontal disease. Evidence suggests that periodontal disease may play a role as a risk factor in developing and management of a serious systemic disease. Periodontal infections have been implicated in cardiovascular disease, preterm and low- birth weight infants, and bacterial pneumonia. In addition, it appears to be more difficult to control non- insulin dependent diabetes in patients with severe periodontitis. The exact mechanisms of these interrelationships have not been determined, ourRead MoreSugar Alternatives in Foods and Beverages1339 Words à |à 5 Pages bulk, and texture [citation]. In a world where dieting and weight management grow ever more necessary, sugar alternatives are a non-caloric sweetener that can help with health goals. Sugar alternatives, based on their minimal glycemic effect, can also be important factors in reducing the symptoms of diabetes, giving diabetics similar things to eat as non-diabetics, treating obesity, treating type-2 diabetes, minimizing dental caries, and decreasing the likelihood of the aforementioned diseasesRead MoreA Brief Note On The Current Evidence Based Practices1891 Words à |à 8 PagesDiabetes in Dentistry: a review of the current evidence based practices Introduction Diabetes is one of the most common conditions that dental clinicians may come across in their patients. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 4% of Australians have diabetes, that is around 999,000 people or 1 in 25 people who you would treat in the dental practice( Furthermore an estimated 280 Australians develop diabetes every day with it being the fastestRead MoreStatement of Purpose: A Career in Health Information Technology1065 Words à |à 5 PagesTechnology Management (Health Information Technology) program at Georgetown University for the summer 2014 session, keeping in mind my future objectives of doing a PhD in Health Information Technology. My desire and enthusiasm for further study and research is motivated by professional goals and intellectual curiosity. I would like to pursue a career in the development of new Health-IT systems, especially remote monitoring technologies, technology-supported translation services , c and self-management toolsRead MoreA Article On Periodontal Disease And General Health970 Words à |à 4 Pages- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn s disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus 5. Cognitive - memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer s 6. Respiratory disease - pneumonia, chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), acute bronchitis 7. Others - diabetes- Type 1 and Type 2, anemia Most of the studies conducted have been what epidemiologists call, survey or cross-sectional type, which can t be used to clearly indicate which condition precedes the other. The studies have repeatedly found an association
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Oedipus Rex Analysis Essay - 1739 Words
The chorus play an important role throughout the play, they not only set up various scenes, but they represent the collective moods and feelings that are supposed to be felt at the time. When the chorus mourns, the audience mourn. They are also the voice of reason, clarity and sense, attributes to which we cannot associate with Oedipus. And so they play a vital role, connecting his actions back to the play. A way to describe the chorus, would be that theyre the collective conscious of Ãâthe people of Thebes, but they also act as guardians. For although they are seen appealing to Oedipus to help them, they in turn have to help the king, they represent the faith that the city has in him. The chorus appears mainly in sections of the play inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A man, who believes himself to be in total control and on the edge of supreme knowledge, doesnt know the one thing that defines him. And yet he seeks it so eagerly so to reveal the problems that elude him, even though they will lead to his downfall. With each step he takes towards the truth he buries himself deeper into the mystery while at the same time burying himself into a metaphorical grave. Creon enters and questions the people around him if it is true that Oedipus had slanderously accused him. The Chorus tries to act as mediator, but Oedipus emerges and charges Creon with treason. Creon argues for his innocence but Oedipus refuses to listen. This highlights Oedipus obstinate behaviour, he refuses to contemplate fallibility, as he assumes his own absolute knowledge, and that he knows that Creon is wrong even without evidence. They continue to fight until Jocasta emerges. They explain the nature of their argument to Jocasta, who begs Oedipus to believe Creon. The Chorus also begs Oedipus to be flexible, and Oedipus reluctantly concedes and allows Creon to continue. Jocasta asks Oedipus why he is so upset and he explains to her what Teiresias prophesied. Jocasta consoles him by telling him that there is no truth in soothsaying, and she has proof. She tells that an oracle told Laius that his own son would kill him, so as a preventative he and Jocasta gave their infant son to a shepherd, to leave out on a hillside to die with its feetShow MoreRelated Analysis of Oedipus Rex Essay890 Words à |à 4 Pages Oedipus did not have a fair start in life. His father, Laius, heard prophecy that Oedipus would one day kill his father and sleep with his mother. In order to prevent this, Laius gave Oedipus to a shepherd to be killed. Fortunately, through a string of events, Oedipuss life was saved, and he even went on to become the honored king of Thebes. Despite this feat, Oedipus still managed to make several decisions that ultimately fulfilled the original prophecy told to Laius, and inevitably sealedRead MoreLiterary Analysis : The Kite Runner And Oedipus Rex1292 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Kite Runner Oedipus Rex: Literary Analysis Essay Although The Kite Runner and Oedipus Rex differ from the style in which they were written and by the authors who wrote them what they do share are common themes. Both the play and the book share two major subject matters. Guilt is one theme that is seen constantly between Amir dealing with it in The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini and Oedipus and Jocastaââ¬â¢s struggle with it in Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles. Another theme found in bothRead More Oedipus the King: Does Oedipus Satisfy the Definition of a Good Man?1415 Words à |à 6 PagesDoes Oedipus Satisfy the Definition of a Good Man? à à à à à As a young man, Oedipus learned of his fate to kill his father and marry his mother.à Oedipus flees to a distant land to escape his terrible fate and inadvertently fulfills the prophecy. Unknowingly, Oedipus kills his father and enters the bed of his mother.à Was Oedipus was a good man who happened to suffer an unfortunate fate, or was he a truly bad person, whose fate was only just?à If we accept the Aristotelian views of good and badRead MoreJoy Luck Club924 Words à |à 4 Pages____________________________ Class Period: _______________ Score:_________________ North Fall Final Exam Essay Topics For your final exam, you will write a timed write on Monday December 13th which will count towards 1/3 of your final exam grade. A traditional AP Timed Write Rubric will be used to score your answers. Iââ¬â¢m looking for a clear thesis, a well-organized paper, high level of diction, focus, and in-depth analysis (two to three pieces of commentary or analogies) combined with thematic text to world andRead MoreA Comparative Tragedy Study of Fatalism and Determinism: Oedipus Rex and Thunderstorm2489 Words à |à 10 Pagesï » ¿A Comparative Tragedy Study of Fatalism and Determinism: Oedipus Rex and The Thunderstorm 1. INTRODUTION The Thunderstorm and Oedipus Rex, the representatives of Chinese and Greek play, both tell tragic stories about incest and unexpected destiny. The two masterpieces reveal much about the literature patterns and philosophical implications of the different cultures. The exploration of the two plays could help further understand the oneness of world literature and the tragedy of unlike cultureRead MoreOedipus Rex, A Symbol Of Fate1517 Words à |à 7 PagesThe most famous scene in Sophoclesââ¬â¢, Oedipus Rex, is when Oedipus gouges out his eyes. But thatââ¬â¢s not the only example of sight and blindness in this play. In Sophocles world, eyes play a big part in society, as the theme of vision invites the audience to look at the action with a double perspective, through own eyes and through the eyes of those on stage ( Mastronarde pp. 179-182). Considering eyes as an essential piece, it places them as a motif of the play. Within Greek literature, scholars focusRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essay examples4094 Words à |à 17 PagesMythology in Oedipus Rexà à à à à à à à à à à à à à In ââ¬Å"The Oedipus Legendâ⬠Bernard M. W. Knox talks of the advantages accruing to Sophocles as a user of myths in his dramas: à The myths he used gave to his plays, without any effort on his part, some of those larger dimensions of authority which the modern dramatist must create out of nothing if his play is to be more than a passing entertainment. The myths had the authority of history, for myth is in one of its aspects the only history of anRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essays3980 Words à |à 16 PagesMythology in Oedipus Rexà à à à à à à à E. T. Owen in ââ¬Å"Drama in Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Oedipus Tyrannusâ⬠comments on the mythological beginnings of Oedipus Rex: à Professor Goodell says: ââ¬Å"Given an old myth to be dramatized, Sophoclesââ¬â¢ primary question was, ââ¬ËJust what sort of people were they, must they have been, who naturally did and suffered what the tales say they did and suffered?â⬠That was his method of analysis (38). à The Greek Sophoclean tragedy Oedipus Rex is based on a myth fromRead MoreLiterature: Compare and Contrast - Literary Devices5483 Words à |à 22 PagesSeptember 3, 2010 Compare and Contrast Literature offers a variety of literary works by authors of all ages, writing non-fiction and fictional stories, poetry, and essays. The act of analyzing two different authors by both comparing their work and isolating their contrasting elements, can be difficult, yet rewarding. Oedipus Rex (Sophocles), written in 429 B.C., offers the authors use of Greek Mythology, oracles, Greek gods, deception, and murder. Throughout the series of events, the readerRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory And Criticism1345 Words à |à 6 PagesJess Rubinstein Intro to Theory and Criticism Spring 2015 Midterm Essays Freud and Literature At some point in life, everyone has heard the name Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud was born in 1856, and went on to become one of the most talked about theorists. He is known as the father of psychoanalysis and has left behind an everlasting legacy. There were two influential and sometimes controversial theories that Freud left behind. Sigmund Freudââ¬â¢s big legacy was his work with dreams and the unconscious
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Youth And Adult Criminal Justice System - 1406 Words
For many youth in America it is expected that they will graduate high school and move on to higher education, likely at a traditional public four year institution. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2016) website, of the 20.5 million students who attended college in the Fall of 2016, 14.9 million of them attended a public four year institution. That is just under 75% of American college students. For the general population of American youth who did not attend college after high school graduation, factors keeping them from going to college may be finances, support at home or school, access to important information or technology, or just the ability to be mobile. Youth with criminal backgrounds have all of this toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Not all schools have a spot on their application for declaring criminal history. But Custer (2016) examines the new push for colleges to examine admission policies for individuals with a criminal record. More and more colleges are feeling pressure to put these policies in place. The article indicated that ââ¬Å"campus safetyâ⬠may be behind this reasoning, but there is no evidence available to indicate that these policies actually make a significant difference. He points out that these policies could actually stunt the process of an individual trying to break away from criminal patterns by hindering the ability to obtain further education. Authors Halkovic Greene (2015) discuss similar admissions policies and barriers in their article. They also talk about how these policies reinforce the negative stigmas associated with criminality, instead of giving the students a chance to grow and change, and even positively contribute to the school. They say that these students have many gifts to share with schools including the desire to give back, and bridging academia with underserved populations. Should the students get into a school without these policies, or somehow get past these policies, another barrier to contend with is federal financial aid eligibility. Lovenheim Owens (2014) explored this barrier. In 2001 amendments were made to the Higher Education Act thatShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency : Should Severity Of Punishment For Young Offenders Be The Same As Adults?1200 Words à |à 5 Pagesof Punishment for Young Offenders Be the Same as Adults? Throughout centuries of development, crime and social safety are still the biggest concerns for a country since it can influence the political, economic, and social aspects. With the evolution of human civilization, more than seventy percent of the world has been urbanized into developed countries. These countries contain advanced technologies, highly-comprehensive policies and economic system. Along with the inclusive developments, ââ¬Å"the lawRead MoreIs Canadas Youth Justice System Fair and Equitable1259 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Youth Justice System deals with 12-17 year olds in trouble with the law. It uses a rehabilitative method to deal with youth. It makes sure the youth are provided with meaningful consequences for their actions and then reintegrates them back into society. The Youth Justice System brings up a lot of question and the main one is: Is Canadaââ¬â¢s Youth Justice System fair and equitable? A lot of people argue that it is too lenient while others say it is a great method for dealing with youth. The YouthRead MoreThe Abolition Of The Juvenile Justice System1748 Words à |à 7 Pagesbehaviour that are committed by youths. This is a court system that fully distinguishes youths from adults as far as crime is concerned where their misconduct is labeled as delinquent acts rather than crime (Barry, 1987, p. 476). Youth are presumed to have less understanding of social norms and they are less aware of the long-term consequences of their behaviour. Unlike punishment or reprimanding, the juvenile court system acts as a rehabilitation facility for youth offenders (Barry,1993, p. 204)Read MoreHow Effective Is The Youth Justice System Essay1709 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction How effective is the Youth Justice System in responding to youth crime? Since the arrival of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) came into effect, the crime rates have decreased. Previously Canada had one of the highest youth incarceration rates in the western world. However since the Youth Criminal Justice Act got put into place in 2003, the crime rates have declined significantly. The Youth Justice System does their best to better and rehabilitate the adolescents that get intoRead MoreA Child With Adult Consequences Essay1688 Words à |à 7 PagesWith Adult Consequences Adults are held accountable for their actions and expected to abide by the laws and if they do not there are consequences to follow. Some punishments can be as little as a monetary fine, or as detrimental as life imprisonment. Today, some children face these exact consequences depending on their actions. Certain children are held accountable for their actions and punished as adults in an adult courtroom depending on the offense and the jurisdiction. According to Youth JusticeRead MoreFinal Exam : Youth And Justice905 Words à |à 4 PagesFinal Exam: Youth and Justice Introduction Changes in public opinion, as well as criminal justice legislation, have transformed for the purposes of recognizing the unique role that crime plays in the lives of youth. That is, it has become widely recognized that the justice system cannot treat youth offenders with the same response that adult offenders are treated with. In fact, Minaker and Hogeveen (2009) support this claim and state that youth require ââ¬Å"a qualitatively different responseâ⬠(p. 249)Read MoreThe Main Aim Of Eradicating Criminal From The Society1439 Words à |à 6 PagesCrimes The main aim of eradicating criminal from the society is to enhance peaceful coexistence among people and to aid development. In this regard, individuals who fail to fit in this setting should be eradicated regardless of their age and made responsible for their actions. Releasing murderers, rapists, and other criminals from jail after serving a lenient and short sentence does not rehabilitate them in any way. In this regard, all those who are engaged in criminal activities that risk the life ofRead MoreJust Mercy Essays : Juveniles Being Tried As Adults1407 Words à |à 6 PagesStevensonââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Just Mercyâ⬠stories of juveniles being tried as adults, Jason Zeidenberg in the article ââ¬Å"The Risks Juveniles Face When They Are Incarcerated with Adultsâ⬠strongly emphasizes the dangers and consequences that juveniles face when they are tried as adults. Zeidenberg states the consequences of juveniles being raped, assaulted, committing suicide and the effects of bein g victimized. Children who are housed in the same facility as Adults is not a good idea nor a good mix, according to ZeidenbergRead MoreYouth Criminal Justice Act Essay1257 Words à |à 6 Pagescontinue the government established the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) which gives young offenders a chance to better themselves, and. By doing so, the YCJA helps teach youth that their actions are unacceptable and the punishments imposed are lesser then an adult. Through the analysis of their unacceptable actions, lesser punishments and a better future, it is clear that YCJA is highly effective at giving youth a better chance in society. The YCJA teaches youth that their actions were unacceptableRead MoreThe Development Of A Juvenile Criminal Justice System1740 Words à |à 7 PagesStates of America, crime rates among the youth under the age of 18 years have significantly increased. This phenomenon is attributed to various factors, among them being family disintegration, school dropouts and other antisocial behaviors. Therefore, the development of a juvenile criminal justice system was crucial as it is tailored to distinguish the judicial process related to juvenile crimes. Various facilities such as specialized detention centers and youth centers are also put in place in order
Development across Free Essays
The important is that leaders who stand by their president should understand leadership styles and other factors such as cultural change, enumeration gaps, different reporting leaderships, wellness and effective communication principles that shape how they interact with other people. Our leadership development in this seminar is not for just to know about the History of the Presidents but also applying strategies in leadership. Not only that but also the values that we gain physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. We will write a custom essay sample on Development across or any similar topic only for you Order Now Review of related literature According to Brenda British, Knick Martin, Amy Sticking, Betray Tomato and Patti Tuck on their study ââ¬Å"Literacy in Aftershock Programsâ⬠that one of heir goal is to build local capacity rich academic content through engaging and challenging activities, defined for purpose as academic enrichment. It is our belief that aftershock programs should not simply duplicate or extend the school day, but offer high-interest alternatives that supplement school- day learning in a variety of ways. To do this successfully, aftershock programs must first consider the range of factors that contribute to providing effective academic enrichment to participantsââ¬â¢ . Et al ââ¬Å"Literacy in Aftershock Programsâ⬠, 2005. The Impact of After School Programs That Promote Personal and Social Skillsâ⬠by Joseph A. Durbar and Roger P. Heisenberg also studies about the impact of after-school programs. On the negative side, the unsupervised time puts youth at risk for such negative outcomes as academic and behavioral problems, drug use and other types of risky behavior (Hessian Cottonseeds, 2001 On the positive side, young people benefit when they spend time engaged in structured pursuits that offer opportunities for positive interactions with adults and peers, encourage them to contribute and aka initiative, and contain challenging and engaging tasks that help them develop and apply new skills and personal talents (American Youth Policy Forum, 2006; Carnegie Corporation, 1992; Larson Verna, 1999; National Research Council Institute of Medicine, 2002) . T al ââ¬ËThe Impact of After- School Programs That Promote Personal and Social Skillsâ⬠, 2007. ââ¬Å"After-School Programs in the 21 SST Centuryâ⬠of Harvard Family Research Project. According to them, the country is now engaged in public discussions about how to best expand time and opportunities for children and y outh in ND out of school in order to actively and effectively support their learning and development across the day, throughout the year, and from kindergarten through high school. Debate continues about the range of academic, social, and other types of knowledge and skills that children and youth will need to succeed as workers, citizens, and family and community members in a global world. However, most would agree that this list of knowledge and skills includes the kinds of outcomes that research suggests can be achieved through sustained participation in well-structured and well implemented after school programs and activities. Well-implemented programs can have a positive impact on a range of academic, social, prevention, and other outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged children and youth. .Et al #after; School Programs in the 21 SST Centuryâ⬠, 2008. Theoretical Framework According to George Herbert Meadââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"symbolic interactions perspectiveâ⬠or ââ¬Å"symbolic interactionsâ⬠, we act towards people or things with regards to the definition we give to it. With the use of language we are giving meaning to people or things to communicate or to better understand each other. Symbolic interpretation is the way that we interpret things around us. In the way we understand symbols are modified through our thoughts. Minding/ inner conversation is a reflective pause or the two seconds halt our brain does when we are constructing what to reply. In the seminar we have encountered, we symbolizes the Presidents of the Philippines in we tackle their lives and what they have do or what they have contribute to the Philippines. It was also a successful way to present the present the Presidents of the Philippines that we have interpret them. Conceptual Framework Independent Variable Program ââ¬Å"MGM Dawdling Lagan, Racial Is Presidentâ⬠Dependent Variable Attitudes Values Behavior This study was conducted to determine the impact of the program ââ¬Å"MGM Taking Lagan, Racial Is My Presidentââ¬â¢ on the attitudes, values and behavior of the teacher education students of LISPS-SC from year 2012-2014. This study serves as a means of source to be use by all students in holding a seminar and to be a guide for them. There will be a result in conducting this result. Figure 1: Independent and Dependent Variable Statement of the Problem 1 . What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: . 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Year level 2. What are the outcomes of school programs? 2. 1 Opportunities for skill building 2. 2 Conflict resolution 2. 3 Moral and character development 3. What is the impact of the program to the students? 4. What would be the result of this study when it is finished? Hypothesis The program ââ¬Å"MGM Taking Lagan, Racial Is My Presidentâ⬠has no impact on the attitudes, values and behavior of the teacher education students of L SPUN- SC from year 2012-2014. Significance of the study A seminar is a small group discussion in a formal setting with clear agenda. The agenda to be discussed is about ââ¬Å"MGM Taking Lagan: Racial is my Presidentâ⬠is a kind off Leadership program which helps us to provides a new kind of work and frequently a new kind of skill. Lessons from the past often help us to prepare for the future. It is imperative that this activity acquire the totality of the information and qualities of education through instructions and training which maximize the development of an individual physically, mentally and morally. For the goal of the Seminar this kind of program is not only to find out if it is well done but instead, it seeks to find out what it achieved and if it is worth the expenses. Am finding that these skills are not only important for good leadership but life as well. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study will be done at the Laguna State Polytechnic University with the corresponding respondents which are the students of College of Teacher Education from 1st to 4th year. We will interview every two students in every year level to collect the information we must have for this study. How to cite Development across, Papers
Development across Free Essays
The important is that leaders who stand by their president should understand leadership styles and other factors such as cultural change, enumeration gaps, different reporting leaderships, wellness and effective communication principles that shape how they interact with other people. Our leadership development in this seminar is not for just to know about the History of the Presidents but also applying strategies in leadership. Not only that but also the values that we gain physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. We will write a custom essay sample on Development across or any similar topic only for you Order Now Review of related literature According to Brenda British, Knick Martin, Amy Sticking, Betray Tomato and Patti Tuck on their study ââ¬Å"Literacy in Aftershock Programsâ⬠that one of heir goal is to build local capacity rich academic content through engaging and challenging activities, defined for purpose as academic enrichment. It is our belief that aftershock programs should not simply duplicate or extend the school day, but offer high-interest alternatives that supplement school- day learning in a variety of ways. To do this successfully, aftershock programs must first consider the range of factors that contribute to providing effective academic enrichment to participantsââ¬â¢ . Et al ââ¬Å"Literacy in Aftershock Programsâ⬠, 2005. The Impact of After School Programs That Promote Personal and Social Skillsâ⬠by Joseph A. Durbar and Roger P. Heisenberg also studies about the impact of after-school programs. On the negative side, the unsupervised time puts youth at risk for such negative outcomes as academic and behavioral problems, drug use and other types of risky behavior (Hessian Cottonseeds, 2001 On the positive side, young people benefit when they spend time engaged in structured pursuits that offer opportunities for positive interactions with adults and peers, encourage them to contribute and aka initiative, and contain challenging and engaging tasks that help them develop and apply new skills and personal talents (American Youth Policy Forum, 2006; Carnegie Corporation, 1992; Larson Verna, 1999; National Research Council Institute of Medicine, 2002) . T al ââ¬ËThe Impact of After- School Programs That Promote Personal and Social Skillsâ⬠, 2007. ââ¬Å"After-School Programs in the 21 SST Centuryâ⬠of Harvard Family Research Project. According to them, the country is now engaged in public discussions about how to best expand time and opportunities for children and y outh in ND out of school in order to actively and effectively support their learning and development across the day, throughout the year, and from kindergarten through high school. Debate continues about the range of academic, social, and other types of knowledge and skills that children and youth will need to succeed as workers, citizens, and family and community members in a global world. However, most would agree that this list of knowledge and skills includes the kinds of outcomes that research suggests can be achieved through sustained participation in well-structured and well implemented after school programs and activities. Well-implemented programs can have a positive impact on a range of academic, social, prevention, and other outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged children and youth. .Et al #after; School Programs in the 21 SST Centuryâ⬠, 2008. Theoretical Framework According to George Herbert Meadââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"symbolic interactions perspectiveâ⬠or ââ¬Å"symbolic interactionsâ⬠, we act towards people or things with regards to the definition we give to it. With the use of language we are giving meaning to people or things to communicate or to better understand each other. Symbolic interpretation is the way that we interpret things around us. In the way we understand symbols are modified through our thoughts. Minding/ inner conversation is a reflective pause or the two seconds halt our brain does when we are constructing what to reply. In the seminar we have encountered, we symbolizes the Presidents of the Philippines in we tackle their lives and what they have do or what they have contribute to the Philippines. It was also a successful way to present the present the Presidents of the Philippines that we have interpret them. Conceptual Framework Independent Variable Program ââ¬Å"MGM Dawdling Lagan, Racial Is Presidentâ⬠Dependent Variable Attitudes Values Behavior This study was conducted to determine the impact of the program ââ¬Å"MGM Taking Lagan, Racial Is My Presidentââ¬â¢ on the attitudes, values and behavior of the teacher education students of LISPS-SC from year 2012-2014. This study serves as a means of source to be use by all students in holding a seminar and to be a guide for them. There will be a result in conducting this result. Figure 1: Independent and Dependent Variable Statement of the Problem 1 . What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: . 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Year level 2. What are the outcomes of school programs? 2. 1 Opportunities for skill building 2. 2 Conflict resolution 2. 3 Moral and character development 3. What is the impact of the program to the students? 4. What would be the result of this study when it is finished? Hypothesis The program ââ¬Å"MGM Taking Lagan, Racial Is My Presidentâ⬠has no impact on the attitudes, values and behavior of the teacher education students of L SPUN- SC from year 2012-2014. Significance of the study A seminar is a small group discussion in a formal setting with clear agenda. The agenda to be discussed is about ââ¬Å"MGM Taking Lagan: Racial is my Presidentâ⬠is a kind off Leadership program which helps us to provides a new kind of work and frequently a new kind of skill. Lessons from the past often help us to prepare for the future. It is imperative that this activity acquire the totality of the information and qualities of education through instructions and training which maximize the development of an individual physically, mentally and morally. For the goal of the Seminar this kind of program is not only to find out if it is well done but instead, it seeks to find out what it achieved and if it is worth the expenses. Am finding that these skills are not only important for good leadership but life as well. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study will be done at the Laguna State Polytechnic University with the corresponding respondents which are the students of College of Teacher Education from 1st to 4th year. We will interview every two students in every year level to collect the information we must have for this study. How to cite Development across, Papers
My Community with Christ Essay Example For Students
My Community with Christ Essay Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community helps society because it creates solutions, provides security, reveals dedication and lastly discovers truthfulness. Communities can be found everywhere and can be created anywhere. You may be unaware of it, but anyone can be apart of some community not only based on your location, but also based on ones lifestyle, religion, heritage, education, or abilities. In the book Barbarian Nurseries by Hector Tobar can relate to many communities that play to my personal life such as my church community. The church that I attend every Sunday is called Cerritos Mission Church (CMC) located in Cerritos. Not only do I consider church and its members that come along with it as a community of mine but I also label them as family. Location is a big factor in Barbarian Nurseries and the church I attend. In the novel Barbarian Nurseries, the setting takes place in a not so well off area in ââ¬Å"El Paseo Bonita,â⬠also in the Los Angeles city. Although the story does take place in the Torres family household, which can be identified as an elegant or middle class home, the environment surrounding their area could be examined as a run down city. When the grandfather goes missing, the boys and also Araceli go off to look for him. In the novel, Hector Tobar described the ambiance of the adventure of looking for the kidââ¬â¢s grandfather as a busy area where there are many people walking place to place, business street sellers, cars, trains, and a lot of sound. I can relate this also to my CMC church that I attend. The location of my church is in a not so well off city but the people that attend generates my church to be different from those around. Cerritos Mission Church does not have a lot of people that attend every Sunday but I am forever grateful that we have such a small close-knit community with one purpose. As my pastor stated, ââ¬Å"love one another as I have loved you. â⬠That purpose is solely to serve, preach, spread and love the lord. Another topic in Barbarian Nurseries can be family. One night, an argument between the Scott and Maureen turns physical, and a misunderstanding leaves the children in Araceliââ¬â¢s care. Arceli, the household maid, also becomes like a mother figure and is someone to look up to while the parents always leave unexpectedly. In Cerritos Mission, I can consider the members of this church as my brothers and sisters in Christ. Just as how my pastor has once stated in his sermon, ââ¬Å"Look to your left and right, those are your brothers and sisters. We are a church community who not only serve the lord but are also there for the members of the church. â⬠Although I may not know some of the members that consist of this church, but I can also say that each and every member is apart of my family. Some of my great friends are the ones that I have made through church. Despite the fact that I see some of them once a week, I am relieved that I have someone that I can always talk to and pray about whenever things go wrong. Lastly, a topic that can relate to Cerritos Mission Church and Barbarian Nurseries is the widely discussed topic of culture and language differences. I personally think that my church is limited in numbers due to the fact that it is known as a Korean/American church. People automatically think this church is single handedly for Koreans that speak Korean but thatââ¬â¢s not the case because my church welcomes anyone of any race or ethnic background and also has Korean and English services. .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 , .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .postImageUrl , .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 , .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:hover , .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:visited , .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:active { border:0!important; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:active , .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652 .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3ad1f7a59bf3fee02d4fa3019b245652:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sex Education: Does it Really Work? EssayPastor Joseph Suk stated, ââ¬Å"I personally speak too much Korean myself but I have set the differences aside and try my best to communicate with the elders of the church. â⬠Language can be a big barrier in my church community as well as the novel Barbarian Nurseries. Scott and Maureen donââ¬â¢t speak much Spanish, and their employees donââ¬â¢t speak much English. Communication between employer and employee is limited to facial expressions, hand signals and a crude Spanglish. Communication between Maureen and Scott is strained, too. Maureen canââ¬â¢t comprehend why her mild-mannered husband would punch a wall, and h e has no reason to explain. Being in a community, one has to accept the differences of others and have a impenetrable bond with one another. Communities can also be expressed as family such as how Araceli was considered as one to the kids and how my pastor and its members are considered as apart of mine. The book Barabarian Nurseries entails many differences and problems that were overcome through family. I personally did not like this book in the beginning because of the fact that is was a bit too slow for me but then after the story progressed I enjoyed the book much more.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Housing Complex Refurbishment Project â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Housing Complex Refurbishment Project. Answer: Introduction The topic that has been chosen for the following project is housing complex refurbishment project. For making it safe for the people to live in the house, the walls will be renovated and the interiors will be redesigned. Some shops are attached on the ground floor and three residential towers (each five storeys) are present in the housing complex. The building needs renovation both in the exterior as well in the interiors as the building is very old. The project was thus proposed by the residents as well as the owner of the building who decided on recruiting contractors for refurbishing the building totally. The project will require several stakeholders and a good project plan is required. A suitable plan for the refurbishment of the house has been developed in the report as well as stakeholder analysis. Communication matrix and stakeholder matrix have been developed simultaneously. Project Plan: Stakeholder Analysis For any project, one of the most important part of it is stakeholder analysis which is utilized to understand the prospective individuals and the role that they will be playing in the project course. For the course of the project, it also helps to define the stakeholders designation. The project stakeholder management has a focal idea that proposes that the supervisors of the project should allocate and appoint duties to the stakeholders which will help them to show their commitment for the project. There lies another stakeholder management issue which shows that as the directors of the project has limited access to some resources of the project, the stakeholders of the project should take charge and manage the budget allocation as well as the entire payment of the project. Project Stakeholders Affected by Internal External Project Process Building Owner Shopkeepers in the Building of the Rental Shops Residents Neighbors Tax Office Municipal Corporation Nearby Clubs Contractor Project Result Residents Shopkeepers in the Building of the Rental Shops Families and friends of the residents Shop clients To determine the roles that will be played by the stakeholders, prioritization and stakeholder identification is necessary. The following matrix utilizes some elements which are external that may affect or may not affect the following project. As all the activities of the stakeholders can be summed up in a normal document table, they are very important aspects for any stakeholder table. The overall benefits and interests of the stakeholders are also determined by the matrix present in the project. Matrix for Stakeholder Prioritization and Identification Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder What is Necessary Owner Residents Contractor Municipal Corporation Power Yes Yes No Yes Interest No Yes Yes No Influence Yes Yes Yes No Impact No Yes Yes No Urgency No Yes No No Legitimacy Yes No No Yes TOTAL Yes 3, No 3 Yes 5, No 1 Yes 3, No 3 Yes 2, No 4 Priority Medium High Medium Low Project Stakeholder Matrix is used to prepare management plan for stakeholder or the total project plan which is made on a particular topic. It is an advanced matrix that is usually used to determine the support strategy as well as the project interests which needs to be implemented during the project course. The stakeholder management needs that the organization wants to consider its position with the stakeholders as the details and corporate heading are set properly. The showcasing methodology needs to be strengthened to as well as the firm destination which would help it to be more successful. Advertisers will be able to take up procedures which would help them to make promoting system that incorporates all the issues and worries of the stakeholders. This can be done by making the advertiser consider who the different stakeholders are and how they are linked with the firm. Project Stakeholder Matrix Stakeholder Interest in Project Priority Support/Mitigation Strategy Building Owner Building Renovation Key Project authorization Residents Room renovation Key Prepare Possible Modifications list Shopkeepers for Attached Shops Shops renovation Key Preparing Possible Modifications list Contractor Renovation Process execution Key Project execution Municipal Corporation Earning money from License Grant Other Grant License in Exchange of Revenue Tax Office Earn Taxes from the Refurbishment Key Against Sufficient Tax, allow Project Residents Friends and Families Newly Furbished House visit Other Offer Ideas Shop customers Refurbished Shops visit Other Offer Ideas Decision Marking Guide of the Project The following table consists of the decision market guide of the project. This will assist managers of the project to assign duties of the project and determine the window of communication for the prospective stakeholders to discuss the solutions regarding the project. Project Decision Making Guide Person When Building Owner When the building becomes not suitable to reside Residents When room refurbishment is necessary Attached Shops shopkeepers When they will require to refurbish the shops Contractor project active, Contract signed Municipal Corporation Project active, submitted Permission request Tax Office During the entire project Friends and Families of residents During execution Shops customers During execution Stakeholder Engagement Matrix The level of determination in executing and managing the project by the stakeholders are analyzed by the following matrix. The matrix can also reveal information about those stakeholders who are trying to resist the project. Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading Building Owner C D Residents C D Attached Shops shopkeepers C D Contractor C D Municipal Corporation C D Tax Office C D Friends and Families of the residents C D Shops of the customers C D Communication Matrix For determining all the stakeholders that are linked to the project, the communication matrix is necessary. The matrix is useful for allocating all the duties that are necessary for carrying the project to the prospective stakeholders and helps to assort the project who are capable of running the project. The mode of communication which is used by every stakeholder related to the project are mentioned in the communication matrix. For demanding the changes and modifications related to the project, several modes of communication can be used such as verbal, financial reports and documented reports. Stakeholder Learn From Share With Timing Method Owner Building Owner Building Condition Damage / Condition details When Needed Self Inspection Self Residents Room Condition Detailed Condition Weekly Self Inspection Building Owner Shopkeepers for Attached Shops Shop Condition Detailed Condition Weekly Self Inspection Building Owner Contractor Requirements Project Requirements Daily Daily Meetings Lead of the project team Municipal Corporation Permissions and licenses Revenue Biweekly Financial Reports Building Owner Tax Office Taxation Policy Tax Monthly Financial Reports Building Owner Project Meeting Plan For holding a meeting among all the stakeholders for discussing the different topics, a project meeting plan is held in every week. Other topics such as extra requirements and progress of the project are also discussed. In the given table, a project meeting plan has been proposed. Project Team______________ Date_________ Time___________ Place_____________ Topic: Topic Person Time Review Agenda Residents 5 mins Summary Contractor 10 mins Meeting Evaluation Building Owner 5 mins + Buildings Refurbishment Interiors and Exteriors Improvement Expansion opportunity Budget Limitation High Taxation Rarity of Good Contractor Conclusion To conclude the report, for refurbishment of the residential housing complex a suitable project pan has been developed. Several aspects of the project management such as stakeholder management tables and matrices are discussed in the report which have assisted to identify the required stakeholders and allocate them duties related to the particular project. To classify and allocate duties to the stakeholders for achieving the project goals, the matrices have been utilized suitably. Bibliography Boud, D., Cohen, R. and Sampson, J. eds., 2014.Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge. Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013.Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Nicholas, J.M. and Steyn, H., 2017.Project management for engineering, business and technology. Taylor Francis. Phillips, J., 2013.PMP, Project Management Professional (Certification Study Guides). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Turner, R. (2016).Gower handbook of project management. Routledge. Walker, A., 2015.Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons.
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